BETTER SLEEP - Canada's Premium Weighted Blanket

Are Weighted Blankets Hot? Exploring the Myth

Are Weighted Blankets Hot? Exploring the Myth - BETTER SLEEP - Canada's Premium Weighted Blanket

Are weighted blankets hot? Exploring the Myth

Weighted blankets have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people claiming they provide a sense of comfort and relaxation. However, one common concern that often arises is whether or not weighted blankets are hot to sleep under. In this article, we will explore the myth and answer the question: Are weighted blankets hot?

What are weighted blankets?

Before we dive into the myth, let's first understand what weighted blankets are. Weighted blankets are blankets filled with materials such as plastic pellets, glass beads, or rice that make them heavier than traditional blankets. The added weight is meant to provide a sense of pressure and mimic the feeling of being hugged, which can have a calming effect on the body.

Weighted blankets have been used for years in occupational therapy to help individuals with sensory processing disorders, anxiety, and insomnia. However, they have gained popularity in recent years as a tool for improving sleep and reducing stress and anxiety.

How do weighted blankets work?

Weighted blankets work by applying deep-pressure stimulation (DPS) to the body. This pressure can trigger the release of serotonin and dopamine, which are neurotransmitters that promote relaxation and improve mood. It can also decrease the production of cortisol, the stress hormone.

The added weight of the blanket also helps to reduce movement during sleep, which can lead to a more restful night's sleep. This is especially beneficial for individuals who struggle with insomnia or have trouble staying asleep throughout the night.

The Myth: Are Weighted Blankets Hot?

Now, let's address the myth: Are weighted blankets hot? The short answer is no, they are not inherently hot. However, there are a few factors to consider when determining if a weighted blanket will make you feel hot while sleeping.

Material and Fabric

The material and fabric of a weighted blanket can play a significant role in how hot or cool it feels. Some materials, such as cotton or bamboo, are more breathable and can help regulate body temperature. On the other hand, materials like polyester or fleece may trap heat and make you feel warmer.

When choosing a weighted blanket, consider the fabric and material used, and opt for a more breathable option if you tend to sleep hot.

Weight and Size

The weight and size of a weighted blanket can also impact how hot or cool it feels. A heavier blanket may feel warmer, especially if it is made with materials that trap heat. Additionally, a larger blanket may cover more of your body, leading to a warmer feeling.

It's essential to choose a weighted blanket that is the right weight and size for your body and preferences. A general rule of thumb is to choose a blanket that is around 10% of your body weight. However, this can vary depending on personal preference and the recommendation of a healthcare professional.

Personal Preferences

Ultimately, whether or not a weighted blanket feels hot is subjective and can vary from person to person. Some individuals may find the added weight of a blanket to be comforting and soothing, while others may feel too warm and uncomfortable.

It's essential to consider your personal preferences and how you typically sleep when deciding if a weighted blanket will make you feel hot.

Tips for Using a Weighted Blanket Without Feeling Hot

If you're concerned about feeling hot while using a weighted blanket, there are a few tips you can follow to help regulate your body temperature and ensure a comfortable night's sleep.

Choose the Right Weight and Size

As mentioned earlier, choosing the right weight and size for your body and preferences is crucial. A blanket that is too heavy or too large may lead to a warmer feeling, so it's essential to find the right fit for you.

Opt for Breathable Materials

When selecting a weighted blanket, opt for materials that are more breathable, such as cotton or bamboo. These materials can help regulate body temperature and prevent you from feeling too hot.

Use a Cooling Mattress Pad

If you tend to sleep hot, consider using a cooling mattress pad underneath your weighted blanket. This can help regulate your body temperature and prevent you from feeling too warm.

Adjust Your Room Temperature

Another way to regulate your body temperature while using a weighted blanket is to adjust your room temperature. If you typically sleep in a warmer room, consider lowering the temperature a few degrees to counteract the added warmth of the blanket.

Try a Weighted Blanket Cover

Some weighted blankets come with a removable cover, while others require you to purchase one separately. If you find that your weighted blanket is making you feel too hot, consider investing in a cover made with breathable materials.

The Benefits of Using a Weighted Blanket

Despite the myth that weighted blankets are hot, there are many benefits to using one for sleep and relaxation.

Improved Sleep Quality

One of the benefits of using a weighted blanket is better sleep quality. The blanket provides deep pressure stimulation that can help calm the body and mind, reduce tossing and turning, and lead to a more peaceful night’s sleep.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Weighted blankets have been shown to have a calming effect on the body, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. The release of serotonin and dopamine can promote relaxation and improve mood, making it easier to fall and stay asleep.

Relief for Sensory Processing Disorders

People with sensory processing disorders, such as autism or ADHD, can benefit from the deep pressure stimulation offered by a weighted blanket. This can help reduce sensory overload and promote relaxation.

Comfort and Coziness


Lastly, weighted blankets can provide a sense of comfort and coziness, making them a popular choice for individuals looking to create a more relaxing sleep environment.

In Conclusion

Article Summary: Exploring the Myth of Weighted Blankets and Warmth
Weighted blankets, popular for their comfort, often beg the question: are they warm for sleeping? This article debunks this preconception by exploring the determining factors.

Weighted Blankets: An Overview
First, let's understand what they are: blankets filled with heavy materials designed to imitate a hugging sensation, providing soothing pressure for the body. Initially used in occupational therapy, they are gaining popularity for improving sleep and reducing stress.

How Weighted  blankets work?
They apply deep pressure stimulation, releasing neurotransmitters that promote relaxation and regulate cortisol, defining movement during sleep and improving its quality.

The Myth of Weighted Blankets and Heat
Are they internally warm? No, but the choice of material and fabric can influence the perception of warmth. Some materials breathe better than others, impacting thermal regulation.

Tips for Using a Weighted Blanket Without Getting Hot
Choosing the right weight and material, opting for breathable materials, using cooling toppers, adjusting room temperature, and trying removable covers can help regulate body temperature.

Benefits of weighted blankets
Aside from the myth about warmth, they improve sleep quality, reduce stress and anxiety, relieve sensory disorders, and offer comfort and cosiness.

Weighted blankets aren't just useful for keeping warm. Depending on the type of fabric and personal taste, they can promote quality sleep. Wrap yourself in your weighted blanket for a peaceful, relaxing night's sleep.

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