BETTER SLEEP - Canada's Premium Weighted Blanket

Better Sleep Blog

Posts tagged "weighted blanket Canada"

Let's learn more about serotonin and how we can naturally improve our serotonin levels.

One of the reasons we're so passionate about weighted blankets is the promising studies and outcomes they've produced in the fields of sleep and mental health. But how does sleeping with a weighted blanket translate into a better, healthier night's rest? Hormones are one of the solutions.

Our hormone system is a fascinating and complex element of our health. Hormones regulate a wide range of functions, including stress, mental health, weight, hunger, immune function, reproductive health, and even life expectancy.

Serotonin is a very intriguing hormone. Serotonin has a significant impact on our overall well-being as well as the quality of our sleep. Let's learn more about serotonin and how it works.


The popularity of weighted blankets has spiked up recently. For many people, using them has turned into a routine, and it’s for a good reason. Science and experts back the health benefits of these blankets in stress relief, suppressing anxiety, and healthy sleeping habits.

Also, research studies indicate those with insomnia, autism, and anxiety disorders can benefit from using them. And if you’ve researched sleep topics, chances are you’ve encountered weighted blankets among the natural remedies. However, do they work? And if they do, what mechanism do they use to bring about these health benefits? 


For the last few years, Weighted Blanket has grown popular for both comfort and medical use. From mega endorsements by celebrities to bold recommendations in the medical sector, it’s perfect for various uses. What’s more, functions like relieving anxiety, sensory issues, and curing insomnia are some of the benefits that have fueled the use of this blanket.

Since its rollout, Weighted Blanket is widespread in various countries around the world. And now even the residents of Canada can have a share of its benefits. With the help of companies like Better Sleep, rest assured you will find a reliable option.