BETTER SLEEP - Canada's Premium Weighted Blanket

Better Sleep Blog

Explore the benefits of weighted blankets for autism
Autism affects many people, and therapists often look for solutions to improve daily life. Weighted blankets have become a beneficial aid. These blankets, which are heavier than standard blankets, offer comforting pressure known as deep tactile pressure stimulation (DTPS).

How they help?
By applying DTPS, these blankets reduce anxiety, promote relaxation, and help regulate sleep. For people with autism, they provide a sense of security, help manage sensory sensitivities, and improve sleep quality.

Managing challenges
For those with sensory processing problems, these blankets offer comfort, calm, and better concentration. They have been shown to reduce meltdowns and aggressive behavior by regulating sensory input.

Choosing the right blanket
When selecting a weighted blanket, it's crucial to consider weight, fabric breathability, and size. Real-life stories show positive results, indicating improved sleep and behavior.


Weighted blankets offer tangible benefits for people with autism, including providing comfort, managing sensory challenges, and improving sleep quality. Their selection should correspond to individual preferences for best results.